B2 Com­mu­ni­ca­tor Cer­ti­fi­ca­te

A Lan­guageCert B2 Com­mu­ni­ca­tor cer­ti­fi­ca­te is evi­den­ce to your abi­li­ty to com­pre­hend the core es­sence of com­plex texts, ex­press your opi­ni­ons, pre­sent ar­gu­ments, and dis­cuss the pros and cons of va­rious view­points, both in wri­ting and ver­bal­ly. You can take this exam on­line from your own PC at any time, eit­her in the form of a full test, in­clu­ding all the com­po­n­ents, or an in­di­vi­du­al test - eit­her the writ­ten parts (Lis­te­ning and Rea­ding & Wri­ting) or the oral part (Spea­king). The exam com­po­n­ents in­clu­de:

The ex­ami­na­ti­on is di­vi­ded into the fol­lo­wing com­po­n­ents:

> Lis­te­ning (30 Min.)
> Rea­ding & Wri­ting (2 Std. 40 Min.)
> Spea­king (13 Min.)


On­line Tech­ni­cal re­qui­re­ment: PC/lap­top, in­ter­net, ca­me­ra, spe­a­ker, mi­cro­pho­ne.


Fle­xi­ble in terms of date and lo­ca­ti­on. Proces­sing of boo­kings: max. 3 work­ing days, Mon-​Fri 9.00-18.00.


Not ap­pli­ca­ble


C2 Mas­tery: Bund­le 240 €, Sin­gle 120 € C1 Ex­pert: Bund­le 220 €, Sin­gle 110 € B2 Com­mu­ni­ca­tor: Bund­le 200 €, Sin­gle 100 € B1 Achie­ver: Bund­le 130 €, Sin­gle 65 € *Bund­le = all com­po­n­ents **Sin­gle = Spea­king or writ­ten (Lis­te­ning and Rea­ding & Wri­ting) only



Lan­guageCert Cer­ti­fi­ca­te: C2 Mas­tery C1 Ex­pert B2 Com­mu­ni­ca­tor B1 Achie­ver


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