Get Ready to Suc­ceed in Cam­bridge Exams

Cambridge Exams Individual Training

Cam­bridge Exams In­di­vi­du­al Trai­ning

This one-​on-one coa­ching is per­fect for im­pro­ving your exam tech­ni­ques and pre­pa­ring thorough­ly for your Cam­bridge lan­guage exam. You will prac­tice with past exam pa­pers and work with a native-​speaking trai­ner to mas­ter all key areas, in­clu­ding wri­ting, spea­king, lis­te­ning, and rea­ding.

Book your tail­o­red pre­pa­ra­ti­on with a qua­li­fied Cam­bridge Eng­lish trai­ner. Ses­si­ons are of­fe­red as pri­va­te 1:1 coa­ching and can be fle­xi­b­ly sche­du­led to suit your needs (de­pen­ding on trai­ner availa­bi­li­ty). The trai­ning can also be boo­ked as a 1:2 cour­se (2 par­ti­ci­pants plus trai­ner).

Book your in­di­vi­du­al trai­ning ses­si­ons


On­line or on-​site at the Cam­bridge In­sti­tut Mu­nich


Fle­xi­ble ac­cor­ding to in­di­vi­du­al needs (Sub­ject to trai­ner availa­bi­li­ty) Cour­se block of 4, 8 and 12 tea­ching units (TU) TU of 50 mi­nu­tes each


Pri­va­te trai­ning: 1 stu­dent - 1 trai­ner or 2 stu­dents - 1 trai­ner


For 1 stu­dent 280 € for 1 cour­se block with 4 TU of 50 Mins. 560 € for 1 cour­se block with 8 TU of 50 Mins. 840 € for 1 cour­se block with 12 TU of 50 Mins. For 2 stu­dents 340 € for 1 cour­se block with 4 TU of 50 Mins. 680 € for 1 cour­se block with 8 TU of 50 Mins. 1020 € for 1 cour­se block with 12 TU of 50 Mins.



Op­tio­nal ad­di­tio­nal boo­king: Cam­bridge Exam - info and re­gis­tra­ti­on via:­brid­ge­in­sti­​tests-certificates/cambridge-​certificates


By ar­ran­ge­mentBook Now

Al­ter­na­ti­ves to Cam­bridge Exams

At the Cam­bridge In­sti­tut, we offer pre­pa­ra­ti­on for the world's lea­ding and in­ter­na­tio­nal­ly re­cognis­ed lan­guage tests. In ad­di­ti­on to Cam­bridge exams, we pro­vi­de trai­ning for IELTS, TOEFL, and LAN­GUAGECERT and also run these lan­guage tests at our exam cent­re. Our ex­pe­ri­en­ced tea­chers, many of whom are also ex­ami­ners, de­li­ver tail­o­red, high-​quality pre­pa­ra­ti­on to help you achie­ve your goals. Click on the logos to learn more about our per­so­na­li­sed exam pre­pa­ra­ti­on op­ti­ons.