Ge­ne­ral Eng­lish - In­ten­si­ve Day Cour­ses

Online Day Courses | 10-Day Intensive

On­line Day Cour­ses | 10-Day In­ten­si­ve

The on­line in­ten­si­ve cour­ses take place in a 10-day cour­se block, com­bi­ning live les­sons in a vir­tu­al class­room with your Eng­lish in­struc­tor and self-​paced lear­ning through the Cam­bridge Eng­lish on­line lear­ning por­tal.

In-Person Day Course | 10-Day Intensive

In-​Person Day Cour­se | 10-Day In­ten­si­ve

The in-​person Eng­lish in­ten­si­ve cour­se, con­duc­ted as a 10-day block by our ex­pe­ri­en­ced and skil­led in­struc­tors, ef­fec­tive­ly ele­va­tes both your spo­ken and writ­ten Eng­lish skills to a hig­her pro­fi­ci­en­cy level.

English for Leisure | weekly day course

Eng­lish for Lei­su­re | weekly day cour­se

In-​person af­ter­no­on cour­se | 1 per week

Im­mer­se yours­elf in the Eng­lish lan­guage and cul­tu­re at a prime lo­ca­ti­on in Mu­nich. In our af­ter­no­on in-​person cour­se, you can apply and ex­pand your lan­guage skills in a re­la­xed at­mo­sphe­re, free from per­for­mance pres­su­re.