Eng­lish Cour­ses for Pu­pils

Du­ring the school year, the Cam­bridge In­sti­tut of­fers weekly cour­ses for pu­pils at Re­al­schu­le, Gym­na­si­um and FOS/BOS (6th to 10th/13th grade) to sup­ple­ment their school lear­ning. Du­ring the ho­li­days, pu­pils can im­pro­ve their Eng­lish skills in in­ter­ac­ti­ve cour­ses (4-5 days).

Spe­cial ho­li­day cour­ses are of­fe­red for pu­pils in years 12 and 13 to pre­pa­re for the Ab­itur and Fach­ab­itur. There are also pre­pa­ra­to­ry cour­ses for the Re­al­schul­ab­schluss in year 10.

If you need in­di­vi­du­al sup­port, you can also book custo­mi­sed one-​to-one trai­ning, i.e. to pre­pa­re spe­ci­fi­cal­ly for exams.

All cour­ses are led by ex­pe­ri­en­ced na­ti­ve spe­a­ker trai­ners and are of­fe­red both on site in Mu­nich and on­line.