Eng­lish Trai­ning with Cam­bridge eLearn

Boost your career with the Cambridge self-study online platform for English

Boost your ca­reer with the Cam­bridge self-​study on­line plat­form for Eng­lish

Tired of fixed ap­point­ments? Prac­tice your Eng­lish skills con­ve­ni­ent­ly from whe­re­ver and whe­ne­ver you want - with our on­line self-​study por­tal Cam­bridge eLearn.

Mul­ti­me­dia and fle­xi­ble, en­ter­tai­ning and ef­fec­ti­ve - take ad­van­ta­ge of the e-​learning offer and be­ne­fit from a wide range of prac­tice ma­te­ri­al!

    What is Cam­bridge eLearn?

    • An on­lineplat­form for self-​study in Eng­lish
    • In­clu­des a va­rie­ty of lear­ning for­mats and in­ter­ac­ti­ve ex­er­cises
    • A gro­wing da­ta­ba­se of in­ter­ac­ti­ve lear­ning ex­pe­ri­en­ces for Ge­ne­ral and Busi­ness Eng­lish at le­vels A1 to C1
    • With spe­cial mo­du­les being availa­ble: IETLS exam pre­pa­ra­ti­on, Eng­lish for Hos­pi­ta­li­ty, and Tech­ni­cal Eng­lish
    • A plat­form equip­ped with numerous media, video ma­te­ri­als, and lis­te­ning com­pre­hen­si­on ex­er­cises
    • With a clean and mo­dern look & feel
    • With per­so­na­li­zed and tailor-​made study pa­thways
    • With con­ve­ni­ent 24/7 on­line ac­cess
    • Cam­bridge eLearn is prac­ti­cal, fle­xi­ble and a lot of fun. Sim­ply log in and start work­ing to­wards your per­so­nal lan­guage goal!


    Fea­tures und Lear­ning Ob­jec­ti­ves

    • In­di­vi­du­al: You will be given your own ac­cess and will see your lear­ning pro­gress dis­played in the por­tal.
    • Fle­xi­ble: The on­line trai­ning can be fit­ted into your busy sche­du­le around the clock, even at weekends. 
    • Au­then­tic: Prac­tice Eng­lish in re­le­vant, prac­ti­cal con­texts that you can use at work im­me­dia­te­ly.  
    • Con­ve­ni­ent: Use the on­line por­tal from the com­fort of your own home. All you need is in­ter­net ac­cess. 
    • User-​friendly: Enjoy in­tui­ti­ve na­vi­ga­ti­on & easy hand­ling of the in­di­vi­du­al areas.
    • Boo­king op­ti­ons: 3-​month basic ac­cess or 3-​month per­so­na­li­sed ac­cess in­clu­ding de­tail­ed as­sess­ment and needs ana­ly­sis in ad­van­ce.
    • Per­so­na­li­zed focus: Im­pro­ve your Eng­lish skills and choo­se from a va­rie­ty of to­pics (Busi­ness Eng­lish, Ge­ne­ral Eng­lish, Eng­lish for Hos­pi­ta­li­ty, Tech­ni­cal Eng­lish) or pre­pa­re for your IELTS exam. All cour­ses can  be boo­ked in com­bi­na­ti­on with each other if re­qui­red.
    • For com­pa­nies: We crea­te custo­mi­zed trai­ning con­tent tail­o­red to the needs and re­qui­re­ments of your team - plea­se feel free to con­tact us! 

    Du­ring the on­line trai­ning you will be....

    • ...ex­pan­ding your vo­ca­bu­la­ry and gram­mar as well as deepe­ning your lan­guage skills through a va­rie­ty of tasks on re­le­vant to­pics. 
    • ...work­ing on your Eng­lish skills in a sus­tained and pro­gres­si­ve way.
    • ...streng­the­ning your abi­li­ty to ac­tive­ly use the Eng­lish lan­guage and com­mu­ni­ca­te in­ter­na­tio­nal­ly with ease.
    • ...im­pro­ving your Eng­lish in­de­pen­dent­ly and wit­hout a set ti­me­ta­ble.

    Spe­cial mo­du­les

    Tech­ni­cal Eng­lish

    This on­line trai­ning gives you ac­cess to a wide range of tech­ni­cal vo­ca­bu­la­ry and com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on ac­ti­vi­ties. The con­tent is per­fect­ly sui­ted for em­ployees from the in­dus­tri­al sec­tor, such as ma­chi­ne con­struc­tion or ma­nu­fac­tu­ring. 

    Through in­ter­ac­ti­ve ex­er­cises you will aqui­re ter­mi­no­lo­gy re­la­ting to mea­su­re­ments, sizes and sha­pes, plastics and elec­tro­ly­sis as well as vo­ca­bu­la­ry re­la­ted to the ma­nu­fac­tu­ring process, e.g. in pro­duc­tion as well as che­mi­cal pro­ce­du­res. 

    Fun­da­men­tal com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on skills will be trai­ned: de­scrib­ing pro­ducts and ex­plai­ning proces­ses, gi­ving in­struc­tions, ex­pres­sing pre­dic­tions and pro­ba­bi­li­ties, gi­ving ad­vice, tal­king about chan­ges, ex­pres­sing in­ten­ti­ons and plans, and sta­ting opi­ni­ons. 

    Eng­lish for Hos­pi­ta­li­ty 

    The trai­ning con­tent is tail­o­red to staff in the hotel and ca­te­ring in­dus­try who re­gu­lar­ly cater for and ac­co­mo­da­te in­ter­na­tio­nal guests

    Du­ring this self study, you will gain Eng­lish skills re­qui­red in the di­ver­se areas of the hos­pi­ta­li­ty in­dus­try. By means of au­then­ti­cal­ly si­mu­la­ted si­tua­tions, you will aqui­re know­ledge of spe­cia­li­sed vo­ca­bu­la­ry from the fiel­ds of cu­li­na­ry arts, food types, kit­chen in­struc­tions and much more.

    Using a va­rie­ty of ex­er­cises, you will prac­tice and con­so­li­da­te your com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on skills in areas such as custo­mer ser­vice and con­sul­ta­ti­on (che­ckin/-out, lei­su­re ac­ti­vi­ties, di­ning, room ser­vice, com­plaints), phone and email in­qui­ries, do­cu­ments and job ap­pli­ca­ti­ons. 

    IELTS Exam Pre­pa­ra­ti­on

    This trai­ning pro­vi­des op­ti­mal sup­port in pre­pa­ring for your IELTS ex­ami­na­ti­on, whe­re­ver and whe­ne­ver you want. Start today and mas­ter the exam at the best chan­ce of suc­cess.

    Our wide range of prac­tice ma­te­ri­al is de­si­gned to be very si­mi­lar to the tasks in the ac­tu­al IELTS test. By fa­mi­lia­ri­sing with the test for­mat and the ti­me­ta­ble, you will be able to iden­tify your strenths and we­ak­ne­s­ses and ef­fec­tive­ly focus on your goal.

    All four IELTS com­po­n­ents will be trai­ned: lis­te­ning, rea­ding, wri­ting, and spea­king. Prac­tice tasks and tips are avail­al­be are pro­vi­ded for all ques­ti­on types. At the end, you have the op­por­tu­ni­ty to mock your par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on in the IELTS with the help of a com­ple­te prac­tice test.





    Fle­xi­ble, 3 months ac­cess


    Ac­cess for 1 per­son


    89€ Ac­cess "Basic" (on­line ac­cess to Ge­ne­ral and Busi­ness Eng­lish) 105€ Ac­cess "Basic+1" (on­line ac­cess to Ge­ne­ral and Busi­ness Eng­lish + 1 spe­cial mo­du­le) 120€ Ac­cess "Pre­mi­um" (per­so­na­li­zed lear­ning pa­thway incl. Cam­bridge pla­ce­ment test and needs ana­ly­sis in ad­van­ce)



    Not ap­pli­ca­ble


    Fle­xi­bleBook now