Eng­lish Lan­guage & Cul­tu­re

Lan­guage can be a simp­le means to get from point A to point B; howe­ver, it is so much more. In a crea­ti­ve process, it grants us ac­cess to others and our­sel­ves in com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on.

Lan­guage en­ables us to share our own world with our fel­low human beings, but it can also crea­te se­pa­ra­ti­on and misun­derstan­ding. In­ti­ma­te­ly in­tert­wi­ned with lan­guage is the re­spec­ti­ve cul­tu­re: a com­plex and most­ly un­con­sci­ous di­men­si­on, a 'si­lent lan­guage' that si­gni­fi­cant­ly in­flu­en­ces our per­cep­ti­on and ex­pe­ri­ence. Through lan­guage, we can em­bark on a jour­ney to ex­plo­re cul­tu­re, in­clu­ding through li­te­ra­tu­re and art.

Lear­ning a new lan­guage not only equips us with the tools to go shop­ping; it is also the 'jour­ney to lan­guage,' a way to acqui­re the world, ex­pand ho­ri­zons, and shape our per­so­na­li­ties. It is our phi­lo­so­phy that a com­pe­tent and self-​assured use of lan­guage re­qui­res a deeper un­der­stan­ding of Eng­lish cul­tu­re in ad­di­ti­on to the lin­gu­i­stic know­ledge.