Ho­li­day cour­ses to pre­pa­re for final exams at Re­al­schu­le

Pre­pa­ra­ti­on cour­ses for final exams at Re­al­schu­len - on­line or in-​person

Our ho­li­day pre­pa­ra­ti­on cour­ses are de­si­gned for pu­pils in the 10th grade of Re­al­schu­le. These cour­ses are con­duc­ted ex­clu­si­ve­ly in Eng­lish.

Par­ti­ci­pants are grou­ped into ho­mo­ge­neous clas­ses based on their grade and prior know­ledge.

The cour­se con­tent is ali­gned with the Ba­va­ri­an cur­ri­cu­lum, with a pri­ma­ry focus on ac­tive­ly con­so­li­da­ting topic-​specific vo­ca­bu­la­ry and gram­mar.

To par­ti­ci­pa­te in the vir­tu­al class­room, all you need is an internet-​enabled de­vice such as a lap­top, PC, ta­blet, or smart­pho­ne, along with a ca­me­ra and mi­cro­pho­ne.

Cour­se take place de­pen­ding on rea­ching a mi­ni­mum num­ber of par­ti­ci­pants.

The fol­lo­wing tar­ge­ted ex­er­cises and exam-​relevant tasks for Mitt­le­re Reife (school-​leaving cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on) are co­ver­ed:

  • Writ­ten: Lis­te­ning com­pre­hen­si­on, Rea­ding & Wri­ting, Use of Eng­lish
  • Oral: Ex­pres­si­veness, abi­li­ty to dis­cuss, image de­scrip­ti­on

Du­ring the au­tumn break and on Fri­days du­ring the school year we offer a mixed group for pu­pils to im­pro­ve their ge­ne­ral Eng­lish skills and prac­tice exam ques­ti­ons as nee­ded.

Cour­se De­tails


On­line or on-​site at the Cam­bridge In­sti­tut Mu­nich (ONL = on­line cour­se, F2F = in-​person cour­se)


4-5 days du­ring Ba­va­ri­an school ho­li­days 10:00am - 12:40pm 3 tu* of 50 min. each (incl. 10 min. break) (*tu = tea­ching unit)


min. of 4 to max. of 10 par­ti­ci­pants per group


285 € Car­ni­val ho­li­days 5 days 228 € Eas­ter / Whits­un ho­li­days 4 days



Op­tio­nal ad­di­tio­nal boo­king: Cam­bridge Uni­ver­si­ty or Lan­guageCert cer­ti­fi­ca­te: C2 | C1 | B2 | B1 | A2


14.04.25 - 17.04.25
Mitt­le­re Reife (writ­ten) Eas­ter ON-​SITE, reg. until 21.03.
10.06.25 - 13.06.25
Mitt­le­re Reife (writ­ten) Eas­ter ON­LINE, reg. until 21.03.
10.06.25 - 13.06.25
Mitt­le­re Reife (writ­ten) Whits­un ON-​SITE, reg. until 23.05.
10.06.25 - 13.06.25
Mitt­le­re Reife (writ­ten) Whits­un ON­LINE, reg. until 23.05.
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