Par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on Con­di­ti­ons for Cour­ses

§ 1 Scope

The ge­ne­ral terms and con­di­ti­ons apply to all con­trac­tu­al re­la­ti­onships bet­ween Cam­bridge In­sti­tut GmbH and its custo­mers.

By signing the re­gis­tra­ti­on form, the custo­mer ack­now­led­ges the va­li­di­ty of the ge­ne­ral terms and con­di­ti­ons. Cam­bridge In­sti­tut GmbH does not ac­cept any con­flic­ting, de­via­ting, or sup­ple­men­ta­ry con­di­ti­ons from the custo­mer. No ver­bal side agree­ments have been made for this con­tract. Chan­ges to this con­tract through in­di­vi­du­al con­trac­tu­al agree­ments are ef­fec­ti­ve in­for­mal­ly. In all other re­spects, chan­ges to this con­tract re­qui­re writ­ten form to be ef­fec­ti­ve; ver­bal agree­ments to waive this writ­ten form re­qui­re­ment are void.

§ 2 Con­clu­si­on of Con­tract

Bin­ding re­gis­tra­ti­on for a cour­se can be made in per­son at the Cam­bridge In­sti­tut GmbH of­fice, by mail, on­line through our web­site, or via email to info@cam­brid­ge­in­sti­ using the cor­re­spon­ding re­gis­tra­ti­on form.

The con­tract is con­clu­ded when a re­gis­tra­ti­on is made in per­son or by mail and con­firmed as pos­si­ble by Cam­bridge In­sti­tut GmbH. The con­fir­ma­ti­on is made by pro­vi­ding/sen­ding a cor­re­spon­ding writ­ten con­fir­ma­ti­on.

For re­gis­tra­ti­ons by email or on­line through our web­site, the custo­mer in­iti­al­ly re­cei­ves an au­to­ma­ti­cal­ly ge­ne­ra­ted email con­fir­ming the re­ceipt of their re­gis­tra­ti­on. This con­fir­ma­ti­on does not con­sti­tu­te a bin­ding con­tract. The con­tract is es­tab­lished when Cam­bridge In­sti­tut GmbH sub­se­quent­ly sends the custo­mer a con­fir­ma­ti­on email re­gar­ding the pos­si­bi­li­ty of par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on. Re­gis­tra­ti­on by email/on­line through our web­site is only pos­si­ble up to 2 weeks be­fo­re the cour­se starts.

The mi­ni­mum par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on pe­ri­od for an on­go­ing cour­se is one ca­len­dar month and is ex­ten­ded by one ca­len­dar month each time until the ti­me­ly ter­mi­na­ti­on on the 20th of the pre­vious month (see § 7).

§ 3 Cour­se Fee

1. The cour­se fee is de­ter­mi­ned by the cur­rent fee sche­du­le, which be­co­mes part of the in­struc­tio­nal con­tract. For on­go­ing evening cour­ses, no fee is char­ged for the month of Au­gust. If the cour­se is ex­ten­ded ac­cor­ding to § 3, the cur­rent fee sche­du­le for the re­spec­ti­ve cour­se ap­plies for the new ca­len­dar month, which can be found at­brid­ge­in­sti­

2. The cour­se fee must be paid wit­hout re­quest by the first day of the cour­se (see con­fir­ma­ti­on of re­gis­tra­ti­on), or a cost co­verage state­ment from the em­ploy­er must be pro­vi­ded by that time. The cour­se fee is only valid for the boo­ked cour­se pe­ri­od and can­not be trans­fer­red to ano­ther pe­ri­od.

3. Pa­y­ment is made by de­po­si­ting the amount into the ac­count spe­ci­fied below. There is also the op­ti­on of gran­ting a di­rect debit au­tho­riza­ti­on using the SEPA di­rect debit form or ma­king a cash/EC card pa­y­ment at the re­gis­tra­ti­on.

4. The custo­mer can­not de­mand re­pla­ce­ment (make-​up) for unu­sed les­sons, es­pe­cial­ly no re­fund of cour­se fees for les­sons not at­ten­ded. Howe­ver, Cam­bridge In­sti­tut GmbH must cre­dit the value of what it saves or ob­tains through the failu­re to pro­vi­de the ser­vice or will­ful­ly re­frai­ning from ob­tai­ning it due to other use.

5. The cour­se fee can­not be trans­fer­red to other in­di­vi­du­als/par­ti­ci­pants.

§ 4 Ad­van­ce Pa­y­ment

1. A dis­count of 5% or 10% on the total in­voice amount is gran­ted for ad­van­ce pa­y­ment of three or six cour­se months, re­spec­tive­ly.

2. A dis­count can only be given for the ori­gi­nal­ly sel­ec­ted cour­se.

3. There is no re­fund of (par­ti­al) cour­se fees for unu­sed ser­vices.

4. In in­di­vi­du­al cases, an in­ter­rup­ti­on of par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on or a chan­ge to ano­ther cour­se can be agreed upon after con­sul­ta­ti­on. A re­boo­king fee of €40.00 is due for this.

§ 5 Cour­se Chan­ge

A cour­se chan­ge is ge­ne­ral­ly pos­si­ble free of char­ge, de­pen­ding on ca­pa­ci­ty, and can be re­ques­ted for the fol­lo­wing ca­len­dar month (ex­cep­ti­on: see § 4.4).

§ 6 Amend­ment / Non-​Execution

Cam­bridge In­sti­tut GmbH re­ser­ves the right to can­cel a cour­se, mo­dify the time con­di­ti­ons and con­tent of the cour­se, or offer the par­ti­ci­pant ano­ther cour­se if the mi­ni­mum num­ber of par­ti­ci­pants for the boo­ked cour­se is not re­a­ched.

§ 7 Ter­mi­na­ti­on and Can­cel­la­ti­on

1. The custo­mer can ter­mi­na­te the con­tract by the 20th of each month for the fol­lo­wing month. The can­cel­la­ti­on pe­ri­od also ex­pi­res on Sun­days and ho­li­days be­cau­se de­re­gis­tra­ti­on on­line is also pos­si­ble on these days; the­re­fo­re, the BGB sta­tu­to­ry re­gu­la­ti­on of § 193 does not apply. §§ 626, 627 BGB re­main un­af­fec­ted. Cam­bridge In­sti­tut GmbH can ter­mi­na­te the con­tract in­de­pen­dent­ly of the de­cisi­on under § 6 with two months' no­tice to the end of the month. Con­ti­nuing the con­tract ac­cor­ding to § 3 through an ex­ten­si­on is not pos­si­ble beyond the date set by the ter­mi­na­ti­on.

2. If no ti­me­ly ter­mi­na­ti­on is made, the con­tract is ex­ten­ded by one ca­len­dar month each time (cf. § 3), un­less Cam­bridge In­sti­tut ter­mi­na­tes it ac­cor­ding to § 7 para. 1.

3. Can­cel­la­ti­on and ter­mi­na­ti­on of the con­tract must be made in text form.

4. Can­cel­la­ti­on be­fo­re the start of the cour­se until the first day of the con­tract term is pos­si­ble. Re­gis­tra­ti­on is can­ce­led free of char­ge.

5. If the custo­mer is not sa­tis­fied after the first day of the con­tract term, the re­gis­tra­ti­on can be can­ce­led in wri­ting within two days wit­hout gi­ving re­a­sons. In this case, 100% of the cour­se fee will be re­fun­ded to the par­ti­ci­pant.

6. In the case of late can­cel­la­ti­on, the full fee for the re­spec­ti­ve ca­len­dar month must be paid.

§ 8 De­fault

1. If the cour­se fee is not paid by the due date (see fee sche­du­le) / by the first of the re­spec­ti­ve cour­se month in ad­van­ce, the custo­mer is in de­fault of pa­y­ment after a re­min­der by Cam­bridge In­sti­tut GmbH un­less the re­min­der is dis­pensa­ble under § 286 para. 2 BGB.

2. In this case, Cam­bridge In­sti­tut re­ser­ves the right to pro­hi­bit par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on in the cour­se until pa­y­ment is made.

3. In the event of de­fault, the custo­mer is ob­li­ged to reim­bur­se all de­fault da­ma­ges, re­min­der fees of €10.00

Al­ter­na­ti­ve: In the event of de­fault, the custo­mer is ob­li­ga­ted to com­pen­sa­te Cam­bridge In­sti­tut GmbH for all de­fault da­ma­ges, re­gard­less of any other claims.

§ 9 Ap­pli­ca­ble Law

1. The con­trac­tu­al re­la­ti­onship and its im­ple­men­ta­ti­on are sub­ject ex­clu­si­ve­ly to the law of the Fe­de­ral Re­pu­blic of Ger­ma­ny, in­so­far as this does not de­pri­ve the custo­mer of the pro­tec­tion gran­ted to him by those pro­vi­si­ons from which, under the law that would apply in the ab­sence of a choice of law in ac­cordance with Sen­tence 1, de­via­ti­on by agree­ment is not per­mis­si­ble.

2. If the custo­mer is a mer­chant, a legal en­ti­ty under pu­blic law, or a spe­cial fund under pu­blic law, or if the custo­mer does not have a ge­ne­ral place of ju­ris­dic­tion in the Fe­de­ral Re­pu­blic of Ger­ma­ny, Mu­nich is agreed as the place of ju­ris­dic­tion for all dis­pu­tes ari­sing from this con­tract. Other­wi­se, the sta­tu­to­ry place of ju­ris­dic­tion ap­plies.

Should in­di­vi­du­al pro­vi­si­ons of these con­di­ti­ons be or be­co­me in­va­lid or void, this shall not af­fect the va­li­di­ty of the re­mai­ning pro­vi­si­ons.

§ 10 Bank De­tails

Deut­sche Bank Mu­nich
IBAN: DE24700700240050778000

März, 2020

Cam­bridge In­sti­tut GmbH, Re­si­denz­str. 22, 80333 Mün­chen