Exam Pre­pa­ra­ti­on for C2 Pro­fi­ci­en­cy

C2 Pro­fi­ci­en­cy (CPE) | Level C2 (CEFR)

The CPE cer­ti­fi­ca­te is proof of your out­stan­ding Eng­lish lan­guage pro­fi­ci­en­cy. By pas­sing the exam, you de­mons­tra­te that you have a fluent and con­fi­dent com­mand of the Eng­lish lan­guage, al­most rea­ching the level of a na­ti­ve spe­a­ker, and are the­re­fo­re able to work and study at the hig­hest pro­fes­sio­nal and aca­de­mic le­vels.

The exam pre­pa­ra­ti­on cour­se is sui­ta­ble for (pro­spec­ti­ve) stu­dents and adults.

Plea­se note: This cour­se is so­le­ly for prac­ti­cing exam for­mat and tech­ni­que. Lan­guage cour­ses to im­pro­ve your Eng­lish skills can be found here

The mi­ni­mum level re­qui­red for par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on is C1+ (CEFR*). You can de­ter­mi­ne your lan­guage level through the free and non-​binding Cam­bridge pla­ce­ment test.

Cour­se De­tails




1 x per week, Tu­es­day, 6.25pm – 21.10pm Cour­se block of 18 tea­ching units (TU) TU of 50 mi­nu­tes each.


6 - 12 par­ti­ci­pants per group Cour­se pla­ce­ment based on pro­fi­ci­en­cy le­vels


330 € / Cour­se in­clu­ding ma­te­ri­als



Op­tio­nal add-​on: Cam­bridge Uni­ver­si­ty Cer­ti­fi­ca­te C2 Pro­fi­ci­en­cy


07.01.25 - 04.02.25
Re­gis­ter until: 20.12.24 | Exam tar­get: CPE 08.02.25 (CB). 5x Tue plus 1x Thu (16.01.2025)
25.02.25 - 01.04.25
Re­gis­ter until: 10.02.25 | Exam tar­get: CPE 04.04.25 (CB)
Late re­gis­tra­ti­ons on re­questBook Now

You wish to re­gis­ter for the exam as well? Plea­se use the fol­lo­wing link to do so: 

exam re­gis­tra­ti­on