B1 Preli­mi­na­ry Cer­ti­fi­ca­te

The PET is a qua­li­fi­ca­ti­on at a solid ele­men­ta­ry level.

The PET cer­ti­fi­ca­te do­cu­ments com­pe­tence in the Eng­lish lan­guage in both spea­king and wri­ting. PET is re­co­gni­zed by many com­pa­nies (in­clu­ding Sie­mens AG) and edu­ca­tio­nal in­sti­tu­ti­ons as proof of solid Eng­lish lan­guage skills at the ele­men­ta­ry level (B1 GER). By pas­sing the B1 Preli­mi­na­ry exam, you con­firm your abi­li­ty to un­der­stand facts, simp­le texts, and ar­ticles in Eng­lish.

The Cam­bridge In­sti­tut Mu­nich of­fers the exam as a computer-​based (CB) for­mat. 


Exam De­tails


Cam­bridge In­sti­tut Mu­nich, pos­si­b­ly an ex­ter­nal lo­ca­ti­on in Mu­nich city cen­ter


Mul­ti­ple times per year. Writ­ten and Spea­king on the same day. Ex­cept for high num­ber of re­gis­tra­ti­ons, spea­king pos­si­b­ly on the day be­fo­re.


Mi­ni­mum of 3 per­sons Ma­xi­mum size de­pends on the exam for­mat and ca­pa­ci­ty


170 € After the re­gis­tra­ti­on dead­line: plus €55 late fee; Ac­cep­tance sub­ject to availa­bi­li­ty



Cam­bridge Eng­lish Cer­ti­fi­ca­te B1 Preli­mi­na­ry (PET)


B1 Preli­mi­na­ry (PET) (CB) Reg. until 24.01, re­sults from 21.02
B1 Preli­mi­na­ry (PET) (CB) Reg. until 26.06, re­sults from 24.07
B1 Preli­mi­na­ry (PET) for Schools (CB) Reg. until 13.05, re­sults from 10.06
CB = computer-​based. Exam is taken on com­pu­ter at the test cen­ter.Book Now

Exam Pre­pa­ra­ti­on

Exam For­mat

The B1 Preli­mi­na­ry exam for­mat con­sists of the fol­lo­wing sec­tions:

  • Rea­ding & Wri­ting (90 mi­nu­tes)
  • Lis­te­ning (ap­pro­xi­ma­te­ly 40 mi­nu­tes)
  • Spea­king (12 mi­nu­tes)

Pre­pa­ra­ti­on Cour­se

The Cam­bridge In­sti­tut Mu­nich of­fers Eng­lish in­ten­si­ve cour­ses de­si­gned to en­han­ce exis­ting Eng­lish skills to achie­ve the re­qui­red lan­guage level for the B1 Preli­mi­na­ry exam. In a pri­va­te trai­ning you may focus on the test for­mat and get fa­mi­li­ar with the its struc­tu­re. 

Self-​Study Ma­te­ri­als

For in­de­pen­dent pre­pa­ra­ti­on, va­rious work­books with so­lu­ti­ons and audio con­tent are availa­ble. These lear­ning ma­te­ri­als can be found in most books­to­res and on­line.

Sam­ple Tests

Free sam­ple tests are availa­ble for pre­pa­ra­ti­on:

1) Sam­ple Test for B1 Preli­mi­na­ry paper-​based

2) Sam­ple Test and Tu­to­ri­al for B1 Preli­mi­na­ry (computer-​based). For bet­ter un­der­stan­ding, it is re­com­men­ded to start with the tu­to­ri­al.

Ans­wer Keys:

Sam­ple re­spon­ses and ex­ami­ner comments for the Wri­ting Test can be found in the B1 Preli­mi­na­ry Hand­book.

For more in­for­ma­ti­on for can­di­da­tes about the B1 Preli­mi­na­ry exam and the cer­ti­fi­ca­te, plea­se click here.

Zur Prü­fungs­vor­be­rei­tung